Study Smarter with IvyPanda

IvyPanda is a student success hub designed to improve the educational outcomes and learning capabilities of students around the world by connecting them with academic experts and by providing highly-efficient self-study services and online tools.

Study Smarter with IvyPanda
happy clients served
since 2015
academic experts
documents for self-

Our Products and Services

24/7 Homework Help
24/7 Homework Help
Have an experienced academic expert assist you with your assignment.
Free Essay Database
Free Essay Database
Search thousands of essay and research paper samples to discover fresh ideas and find your inspiration.
Writing Tools
Writing Tools
Optimize your study process and make it smarter with our writing tools.
Literature Guides
Literature Guides
Conquer the classics with our literature study guides.
Expert Q&A
Expert Q&A
Get answers from our experts to any academic question you can think of.
Coming soon...

Our initiatives

$1,500 Video Creation Contest
For creative high school, college, or university students who want to be heard.
Annual $1,500 Essay Writing Scholarship
For talented school, college, or uni students who demonstrate mastery of essay writing.

Ivy Panda Questions?

At IvyPanda we help you reach your academic goals by pairing you with academic experts in your field of study to help with assignments. Our experts go above and beyond to provide the best support, in line with our Fair Use Policy. With our extensive cohort of experts, we can ensure fast access to the help you need.

We source the best talent globally. Our experts are based in the USA, UK, Australia and in many other countries. We ensure that all our experts hold a minimum of a Master’s degree, with many possessing a Ph.D. in their area of expertise. Our recruitment process is rigorous with only 2 out of every 100 candidates getting accepted into our expert team.

Privacy is paramount. We take extensive security measures to ensure that all data transmissions are encrypted and secure. We use SSL encryption, do not share any information with third parties and require that not even the academic experts you work with have access to identifying personal information. We use TrustedSite® and other vendors for maximum site security.

No. All orders at IvyPanda are handled by experienced academic experts. Additionally, we check every work for plagiarism and potential AI use with the help of specialized software based on the same algorithms as ChatGPT, GoCharlie, and other similar AI tools. As a result, you get entirely original work that's also 100% tailored to your instructions.

Placing an order with us requires immediate payment. However, it is possible to make an inquiry to ensure we can undertake your request before paying. In addition, we offer a full 100% money-back guarantee on all orders.

We pride ourselves on offering a quality service. If you are unhappy with a completed order or would like something changed, we offer unlimited revisions for 14 days. Providing us with detailed feedback about the desired changes helps us address the issue fast. Our experts correct any and all mistakes pertaining to the initial service request. In addition, our Superior services have an extended revision period of 45 days, and our 1st Class services have a revision period of 90 days. We also offer a 100% money-back guarantee on all orders.

1st Class and Superior orders are undertaken by our top-rated experts to ensure an exceptional quality of work. Your orders and requests are given priority status and you are provided with VIP support. In addition to your completed order, you also receive a quality report to confirm that your order has been verified and undergone multiple checks to ensure it meets your specifications. Superior services have an extended revision period of 45 days, and our 1st Class services have a revision period of 90 days.

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